Star Trek, along with other science fiction flicks, present a future where mankind is able to live along with aliens. Nevertheless, present-day researchers are worried that detecting aliens can cause humanity to explode into abject chaos.
What could be the earth’s response on the discovery of alien life forms, with humanity not able to stop fighting among itself? If humans are screaming about whether AI is “woke” or not, how will they admire an alien from the opposite side of the planet?
That is the function of SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), a E.T. detection position in the University of St. Andrews. The crew investigates just how mankind ought to react to the potential for real life aliens interacting with us, together with the hunt for alien life.
John Elliott, a computational linguist at SETI, thinks humanity is far from prepared to deal with some type of alien life. Elliott as well as his crew are frantically trying to find a means for mankind to cope with a mysterious new species, amongst the hunt for something else like us.
If aliens arrived at us, we would be like headless chickens, “. “We can’t pay for to be badly prepared, socially, scientifically, and politically rudderless for an event which might occur anytime and that we can’t pay for to mismanage,” he said.
On the off chance that aliens wish to communicate with humans, Elliot stated, humanity must have concrete “strategies as well as scenarios in place.” The present environment of race politics, though, spells trouble for the reaction of humanity to beings from of all the stars.
Nevertheless, Elliot thinks that humanity shouldn’t back down from reaching out to extraterrestrials. Regardless of how the general public reacts to their arrival, people must always reach out.
“if there’s an additional intelligence these days, which all signs are that there should be, it is such an opportunity to connect. “If we’ve the chance, I believe we must never miss it.”
Luckily, we do not have to be worried about aliens any time soon. This might suggest we’re still a ways off from a Star Trek future, but it is most likely for the better. Contemporary conservatives would most likely scream “wake up” at them.