Stars like the sun are extremely dynamic bodies capable of destroying the atmospheres of planets within their orbits before life could take hold, and a new study of a bunch of particularly young stars has provided us with an even better understanding of exactly how this process takes place.
The Chandra X-ray Observatory carried out the most thorough analysis of magnetically active stars ever carried out to look at the way the activity of these young stars may influence planet formation in their accretion disks. the mass surrounding these young stars supplies the material they need to create planetary systems.
In order to explore the thought, scientists used the telescope to examine almost a dozen “open clusters” containing a total of over 6,000 small stars which formed around exactly the same period, with ages ranging from seven million to twenty five million years of age, and compared the information to previous Chandra studies of stars as fresh as 500,000 years of age. These stars are an especially powerful source of X rays induced by intense magnetic fields created by the inner dynamos of the emerging stars.
As X rays are associated with more magnetically active stars, scientists are able to gauge the amount of X rays created by the stars at various ages to determine a constant X ray brightness for the very first a few thousand years of a star’s life, followed by a sharp decline in magnetic activity between seven million as well as twenty five million years. The researchers discovered that the star’s weight, the heavier it had been, the quicker its decline.
In instances such as the wide open group NGC 3293, seen in this December 2022 NASA picture, the stars are old enough that the inner convection zones that drive the dynamo that creates the magnetic field shrink and fade away completely in the case of big stars, taking the dynamo with it.
The study was published within August 2022 in The Astrophysical Journal, and discovered the higher X ray and ultraviolet light from these particularly young stars will probably have cleared away The dust and gas in their accretion disks in extremely short order, thereby stunting The expansion of planets around them. And in case they are able to create a powerful magnetic field of their very own, as our world does, those planets which do form will probably have their hydrogen-rich atmospheres stripped away in just a few million years.